About the schema
Finite State GraphQL API has many available types and data fields as part of its schema. The following sections describe the types and fields available in the schema.
Each type has available fields that can be queried to return data. The following sections describe the available fields for each type.
All Types
- String
- ID
- AddProcessingStatusResponse
- Artifact
- Int
- ArtifactCSVExportSubtype
- Boolean
- ArtifactLink
- ArtifactPdfExportSubtype
- ArtifactType
- Asset
- AssetVersion
- Float
- AssetVersionCveMatch
- AssetVersionMetrics
- AssetVersionSequenceItem
- AsyncJobStatus
- AuditLogsArtifactResponse
- AuditLogsUserResponse
- Author
- AuthorType
- AverageRiskScoreTrendingData
- BinaryAnalysisConfigurationOption
- BinaryUploadSupportedResult
- Botnet
- CVSSBaseMetricV2
- CVSSBaseMetricV3
- CVSSMetricV2
- CVSSMetricV3
- CVSSMetricV4
- CompleteProcessingEventResponse
- ComponentOrigin
- ComponentScope
- ComponentScopeType
- Context
- CopyLeft
- Copyright
- CreateNewAssetResponse
- CreateNewAssetVersionOnAssetResponse
- CreatedAssetVersionDetails
- Cve
- CveReferences
- CveUpdateSummary
- Cwe
- CweSourceFile
- CweType
- CycloneDxExportSubtype
- Date
- DateTime
- DeletionResponse
- EditFindingResponse
- EncodedData
- EncodedDataType
- EncodingType
- EntityCtx
- EntityType
- EnvironmentalControls
- EventObjectAction
- EventObjectType
- EventType
- Exploit
- ExploitInfo
- ExploitTimeline
- ExportJob
- ExportJobType
- ExternalReference
- ExternalReferenceCategory
- ExternalReferenceType
- ExternalReferencesType
- File
- FileSystem
- Finding
- FindingCategory
- FindingClass
- FindingComment
- FindingConfidence
- FindingLocation
- FindingOrigin
- FindingSeverity
- FindingSourceType
- FindingStatus
- FindingStatusJustificationEnum
- FindingStatusOption
- FindingStatusResponseEnum
- FindingSubcategory
- FlexSearchExportType
- GenerateExportDownloadPresignedUrlResponse
- Group
- Hash
- HashAlgorithm
- HashAlgorithmType
- HashType
- IDObject
- InternalOrganizationLicenseResponse
- KeyValuePair
- LaunchCycloneDxExportResponse
- LaunchExportResponse
- LaunchProcessingResponse
- License
- LicenseEvaluation
- LicenseException
- LicenseExpression
- LicenseExpressionsType
- LicensesType
- LocalDate
- MergeSoftwareComponentsResponse
- MoveAssetVersionResponse
- MultipartUploadResponse
- NotificationFrequency
- OSPatchesResponse
- OperatingSystem
- OperatingSystemInstance
- Organization
- OrganizationSettings
- OrganizationalContact
- OrganizationalEntity
- Patch
- PatchResolutionType
- PatchType
- PollForProcessingStatusesTimeoutResponse
- PreviewCreateSoftwareComponentResponse
- PreviewMergeSoftwareComponentInstanceResponse
- PreviewUpdateSoftwareComponentResponse
- ProcessingEventLog
- ProcessingState
- ProcessingStatus
- Product
- ProductCSVExportSubtype
- ProductFamily
- ProductIdentifiers
- ProductRelationEntityCtx
- PropertiesType
- Ransomware
- RelationEntityCtx
- ReleaseNote
- ReleaseNotes
- ReleaseType
- ResolvedIssueInfo
- ResolvedIssueSource
- ResolvedIssueType
- SecurityAdvisory
- SecurityAdvisoryType
- SequencedAssetVersionResponse
- SeverityTrendingData
- SoftwareComponent
- SoftwareComponentComment
- SoftwareComponentInstance
- SoftwareComponentInstanceConfidence
- SoftwareComponentInstanceRelationship
- SoftwareComponentInstanceRelationshipEdge
- SoftwareComponentInstanceRelationshipEdgesResponse
- SoftwareComponentInstanceRelationshipResponse
- SoftwareComponentInstanceResponse
- SoftwareComponentInstanceSource
- SoftwareComponentInstanceSourceType
- SoftwareComponentRelationshipAggregateResponse
- SoftwareComponentRelationshipGraphDirection
- SoftwareComponentRelationshipResponse
- SoftwareComponentRelationshipType
- SoftwareComponentRelationshipVertex
- SoftwareComponentRelationshipVertexOrigin
- SoftwareComponentRelationshipVertexSource
- SoftwareComponentStatus
- SoftwareComponentStatusOption
- SoftwareComponentType
- SoftwareComponentWithDependency
- SoftwareIdentifiers
- SoftwareIdentifiersFieldType
- SpdxExportSubtype
- StatusOrigin
- StatusTrendingData
- SupplierType
- Tag
- Test
- TestResultsProcessingState
- TestResultsProcessingStatus
- TestType
- TestingTool
- ThreatActor
- Thresholds
- ToolSettings
- TrendingData
- UpdateFindingsStatusesResponse
- UpdateSoftwareComponentInstanceStatusesResponse
- UpdateSoftwareComponentResponse
- UploadMethod
- UploadPartUrlResponse
- UploadUrlResponse
- User
- UserNewCveNotificationConfig
- UserNotificationSettings
- UserRole
- UserSettings
- Vendor
- VendorNameForThreatActor
- VulnerabilityContext
- _QueryMeta
- UploadUrl
- MultipartUpload
- CompleteMultipartUploadResult
- CompleteTestResultUploadResult
This page was generated: 2024-11-06