Type: AssetVersion
A specific version of an Asset
Related Inputs
- AssetVersionSequenceInput
- AssetVersionSequenceItemInput
- CreateAssetVersionInput
- DeleteAssetVersionsByIdsResolverInput
Related Queries
- AssetVersion
- AssetVersionMetrics
- _allAssetVersionMetricsMeta
- _allAssetVersionsMeta
- _flexSearchAssetVersionsMeta
- allAssetVersionMetrics
- allAssetVersions
- flexSearchAssetVersions
- getSequencedAssetVersionsByAsset
Related Filters
Related Mutations
Name | Type | Description |
_artifactsMeta | _QueryMeta | All artifacts related to this asset version |
_cursor | String | Provides a value that can be supplied to the |
_findingsMeta | _QueryMeta | All Findings related to this asset version |
_processingStatusesMeta | _QueryMeta | Any kind of processing currently occurring on the asset version |
_productsMeta | _QueryMeta | All products related to this asset version |
_revision | ID | An identifier that is updated automatically on each update of this root entity (but not on relation changes) |
_softwareComponentInstancesMeta | _QueryMeta | All software component instances related to this asset version. This is effectively the SBOM for the Asset Version. |
_uniqueTestTypesMeta | _QueryMeta | The collection of unique testing tools for this asset version (e.g. Finite State Binary Analysis, Snyk Scan, etc.). This is used to determine which tools have been used to scan the Artifacts in this asset version. |
absoluteRiskScore | Float | The Absolute Risk Score for this asset version. For details about Absolute Risk Score see the documentation about Risk Scores. |
artifacts | [Artifact] | All artifacts related to this asset version |
asset | Asset | The corresponding Asset for this version. |
createdAt | DateTime | The instant this object has been created |
createdBy | User | The user who created this AssetVersion. This is automatically set by the system at the time of creation and cannot be modified. |
ctx | RelationEntityCtx | Context contains fields that are accesible to the permissions profile. This is an internal field related to user permissions. |
deletedAt | DateTime | Timestamp of when this asset version was deleted |
findings | [Finding] | All Findings related to this asset version |
fsanIds | [String] | The fsan_id's associated with all Artifacts that have been uploaded to this Asset Version. |
id | ID | An auto-generated string that identifies this root entity uniquely among others of the same type |
name | String | Name of the asset version. This is usually the version number, such as 1.0.0. |
position | Int | The position in which this asset version is relative to other version in this asset |
processingStatuses | [ProcessingStatus] | Any kind of processing currently occurring on the asset version |
products | [Product] | All products related to this asset version |
relativeRiskScore | Float | The Absolute Risk Score for this asset version. For details about Absolute Risk Score see the documentation about Risk Scores. |
softwareComponentInstances | [SoftwareComponentInstance] | All software component instances related to this asset version. This is effectively the SBOM for the Asset Version. |
testStatuses | [TestResultsProcessingStatus] | The status of the tests / scans that have been run on Artifacts in this asset version |
uniqueTestTypes | [TestingTool] | The collection of unique testing tools for this asset version (e.g. Finite State Binary Analysis, Snyk Scan, etc.). This is used to determine which tools have been used to scan the Artifacts in this asset version. |
updatedAt | DateTime | The instant this object has been updated the last time (not including relation updates) |
This page was generated: 2024-05-17