Finite State API Changelog

17 May 2024

New Features

  • Added Filter: SoftwareComponentInstanceConfidenceFilter
  • Added Mutations: updateSoftwareComponentInstanceFull, createNewAssetVersionOnAsset
  • Added Queries: getOSDistros, getOSMajorVersions, getOSPatchesByMajorVersion, getSequencedAssetVersionsByAsset
  • Added Types: SoftwareComponenentInstanceConfidence, UploadMethod

2 Feb 2024

New Features

  • Added ability to update Finding status
  • Queries for Audit Logs and Events
  • Queries for Processing Status
  • Queries for Patches on Findings
  • Queries for User Settings (e.g. currently selected BU)

1 Dec 2023

New Features

  • Findings can now be filtered by CVSS Score ranges and severity levels
  • Findings can now be filtered by remediation guidance contents
  • Findings model now has cvssScore and cvssSeverity directly on the model
  • Findings model now has remediationGuidanace directly on the model
  • License model now has instances to see get all software component instances that have the license
  • SoftwareComponentInstance now has createdBy to get the user who created it, if applicable
  • SoftwareComponent now has totalRisk of all instances of the component
  • Mutation: launchBinaryUploadProcessing
  • Mutation: launchCycloneDxExport
  • Mutation: launchSpdxExport
  • Mutation: launchTestResultProcessing
  • Additional CSV export type: FlexSearchExportType Flex Search for Assets, Findings, Products, Software Components


  • Mutation: completeMultipartUpload replaced with completeMultipartUploadV2 and launchBinaryUploadProcessing
  • Mutation: completeTestResultUpload replaced with launchTestResultProcessing
  • Mutation: generateUploadPartUrl replaced with generateUploadPartUrlV2
  • Mutation: startMultipartUpload replaced with startMultipartUploadV2
  • Mutation: generateTestResultUploadUrl replaced with generateSinglePartUploadUrl