Finite State API Changelog

16 Oct 2024

New Features

  • Added Queries: CVE Update Summaries, Get Average Risk Score, Get Software Component With Dependencies, Get Trending Data Severity, Get Trending Data Status
  • Added Types: Asset Version CVE Match, Average Risk Score Trending Data, CVE Update Summary, CVSSMetricv4, Notification Frequency, Orgnization Settings, Severity Trending Data, Software Component With Dependency, Status Origin, Status Trending Data, User New CVE Notification Config, User Notification Settings
  • Added Filters: Asset Version CVE Match, CVE Update Summary, CVSS v4, Organization Settings, User New CVE Notification Config, User Notification Settings
  • Added Mutations: Clear Software Component Instance Statuses, Update Software Component Instance Statuses

17 May 2024

New Features

  • Added Filter: SoftwareComponentInstanceConfidenceFilter
  • Added Mutations: updateSoftwareComponentInstanceFull, createNewAssetVersionOnAsset
  • Added Queries: getOSDistros, getOSMajorVersions, getOSPatchesByMajorVersion, getSequencedAssetVersionsByAsset
  • Added Types: SoftwareComponenentInstanceConfidence, UploadMethod

2 Feb 2024

New Features

  • Added ability to update Finding status
  • Queries for Audit Logs and Events
  • Queries for Processing Status
  • Queries for Patches on Findings
  • Queries for User Settings (e.g. currently selected BU)

1 Dec 2023

New Features

  • Findings can now be filtered by CVSS Score ranges and severity levels
  • Findings can now be filtered by remediation guidance contents
  • Findings model now has cvssScore and cvssSeverity directly on the model
  • Findings model now has remediationGuidanace directly on the model
  • License model now has instances to see get all software component instances that have the license
  • SoftwareComponentInstance now has createdBy to get the user who created it, if applicable
  • SoftwareComponent now has totalRisk of all instances of the component
  • Mutation: launchBinaryUploadProcessing
  • Mutation: launchCycloneDxExport
  • Mutation: launchSpdxExport
  • Mutation: launchTestResultProcessing
  • Additional CSV export type: FlexSearchExportType Flex Search for Assets, Findings, Products, Software Components


  • Mutation: completeMultipartUpload replaced with completeMultipartUploadV2 and launchBinaryUploadProcessing
  • Mutation: completeTestResultUpload replaced with launchTestResultProcessing
  • Mutation: generateUploadPartUrl replaced with generateUploadPartUrlV2
  • Mutation: startMultipartUpload replaced with startMultipartUploadV2
  • Mutation: generateTestResultUploadUrl replaced with generateSinglePartUploadUrl