Type: SoftwareComponentStatusOption
A status associated with a software component instance. Users may update the status of a software component instance to track progress when reviewing it for accuracy.
- ACCEPTED: The software component risks have been accepted
- CONFIRMED: The software component has been confirmed to be present
- DELETED: The Software Component has been removed from the SBOM
- IN_PROGRESS: Analysis of the software component is in progress
- IN_REVIEW: Analysis of the software component is in review
- MITIGATED: The software component risks have been mitigated
- NEEDS_REVIEW: The software component is in need of review
- NON_ISSUE: The software component is a non-issue
- RESOLVED: The software component risks have been resolved
- REVIEWED: The software component has been reviewed
- REVIEWED_CORRECT: The software component has been reviewed and found that the component is present and it has been correctly reported
- REVIEWED_FALSE_POSITIVE: The software component has been reviewed and found that the component is not present
- REVIEWED_WRONG_VERSION: The software component has been reviewed and found that the component is present, but it has been reported with the wrong version
- UNKNOWN: The software component presence is unknown
- UPDATED: The software component has been updated
This page was generated: 2024-05-17