Query: flexSearchAssets

Queries for Assets using FlexSearch.

Return Type



If this is set to the value of the _cursor field of an item, only items after that one will be included in the result. The value of the after of this query must match the one where the _cursor value has been retrieved from.


Renamed to postFilter. Use postFilter instead.


The number of items to include in the result. If omitted, all remaining items will be included (which can cause performance problems on large collections).


Specifies the how this collection should be sorted. If omitted, the result order is not specified. If cursor-based pagination is used (i.e., the after is specified or the _cursor is requested), id_ASC will be implicitly added as last sort criterion so that the sort order is deterministic.


Filters that will be applied in memory after the flexSearchFilter.

This will not use any indices and will only work if applied on less than 10 000 objects.


The number of items in the list or collection to skip. Is applied after the after argument if both are specified.



The additional Groups this Asset has been shared with. An Asset may be maintained by a different group than the group that is creating the Product. For example, you may have a group that builds and maintains the operating system that is used across multiple product lines. In this case, the operating system Asset would be created by the operating system group, but shared with the product group.


Provides a value that can be supplied to the after argument for pagination. Depends on the value of the orderBy argument.


All products that use this asset


Any kind of processing currently occurring on the asset


An identifier that is updated automatically on each update of this root entity (but not on relation changes)


All of the tests associated with this asset's versions


All of the processing statuses associated with this asset's versions


All versions for this asset.


The additional Groups this Asset has been shared with. An Asset may be maintained by a different group than the group that is creating the Product. For example, you may have a group that builds and maintains the operating system that is used across multiple product lines. In this case, the operating system Asset would be created by the operating system group, but shared with the product group.


The instant this object has been created


The user who created this Asset in the Finite State platform. This is automatically set by the system at the time of creation and cannot be modified.


Context contains fields that are accessible to the permissions profile. This is an internal field related to user permissions. This is an internal


If true, the risk of this asset is determined by the latest AssetVersion. If false, the risk of this asset is determined by the default AssetVersion.


The default AssetVersion associated with this Asset. This is the version that is used to determine the risk of the Asset, unless defaultToLatest is true.


Timestamp of when this asset was deleted


All products that use this asset


A description of the asset


The group / business unit the Asset belongs to. This is used to determine which users have access to the Asset, and which users can view or modify the Asset. Multiple Products can use the same Asset, but each Asset can only belong to one Group.


An auto-generated string that identifies this root entity uniquely among others of the same type


Name of the asset


Any kind of processing currently occurring on the asset


All of the tests associated with this asset's versions


The instant this object has been updated the last time (not including relation updates)


All of the processing statuses associated with this asset's versions


All versions for this asset.

This page was generated: 2024-10-16