Input: CreateProductInput

The create type for the root entity type Product.

The fields id, createdAt, and updatedAt are set automatically.



The absolute risk score computed for the Product. This score is an aggregated score of all sub-products and Artifacts associated with the Product.


Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs) associated with the product; these may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system; e.g. x86, x64, ARM, Renesas, etc.


Adds assets relations to existing AssetVersions by their ids.

Which assets this product depends on


Adds businessUnits relations to existing Groups by their ids.

The additional Groups or Business Units this product has been shared with


Adds children relations to existing Products by their ids.

Children or sub-products of the Product. This is the basis of a product hierarchy.


Compilers used to build the software for the product; these may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system; e.g. GCC, Clang, etc.


Creates new AssetVersions and adds assets relations between them and the new Product.

Which assets this product depends on


Creates new Groups and adds businessUnits relations between them and the new Product.

The additional Groups or Business Units this product has been shared with


Creates new Products and adds children relations between them and the new Product.

Children or sub-products of the Product. This is the basis of a product hierarchy.


Creates a new User and adds a createdBy relation between it and the new Product.

The user who created this product in Finite State


Creates a new Group and adds a group relation between it and the new Product.

The group or Business Unit responsible for the Product Security or development of the Product.


Creates new OperatingSystemInstances and adds operatingSystems relations between them and the new Product.

Operating Systems associated with the product; these may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system


Creates a new Product and adds a parent relation between it and the new Product.

Parent product of this product


Creates a new ProductFamily and adds a productFamily relation between it and the new Product.

Product Family (e.g. Cisco Catalyst, Cisco IOS, Cisco ASA, etc.)


Creates a new User and adds a securityOwner relation between it and the new Product.

The user who is the security owner for this product (typically a member of the Product Security team).


Creates new Tags and adds tags relations between them and the new Product.

The user-assigned tags for this Product


Creates a new Vendor and adds a vendor relation between it and the new Product.

Vendor of the product; these may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system; e.g. Cisco, HP, etc. The Vendor may be the same company as the Organization in Finite State, or could be a third party vendor or open source community.


Sets the createdBy relation to an existing User by its id.

The user who created this product in Finite State


Context contains fields that are accessible to the permissions profile. This is an internal field related to user permissions.


Timestamp of when this product was deleted


A description of the product


Environmental controls that are used to describe the product or its environment when deployed; these values may be set by users, or by automatic detection. This is an experimental field and subject to change.


Sets the group relation to an existing Group by its id.

The group or Business Unit responsible for the Product Security or development of the Product.


URL pointing to an icon associated with this product


URL pointing to an image of this product


Adds operatingSystems relations to existing OperatingSystemInstances by their ids.

Operating Systems associated with the product; these may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system


Sets the parent relation to an existing Product by its id.

Parent product of this product


Any kind of processing currently occurring on the product


Sets the productFamily relation to an existing ProductFamily by its id.

Product Family (e.g. Cisco Catalyst, Cisco IOS, Cisco ASA, etc.)


Product Identifiers (such as purl, CPE, SWID, UPC, GTIN) are used to link a product to known vulnerabilities, security advisories, and other product information, and generally uniquely identify a specific instance of a product. These may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system.


Programming Language(s) used to build the software for the product; these may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system; e.g. C, C++, Java, Python, etc.


The relative risk score computed for the Product. This score is an aggregated score of all sub-products and Artifacts associated with the Product.


Sets the securityOwner relation to an existing User by its id.

The user who is the security owner for this product (typically a member of the Product Security team).


Adds tags relations to existing Tags by their ids.

The user-assigned tags for this Product


The URL for the product's homepage, if it has one


Sets the vendor relation to an existing Vendor by its id.

Vendor of the product; these may be added by users, or by automatic detection by the system; e.g. Cisco, HP, etc. The Vendor may be the same company as the Organization in Finite State, or could be a third party vendor or open source community.

This page was generated: 2024-10-16